One of the most exciting parts of church life here at Newtown Evangelical Church is seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ. We’re grateful to God that we’ve continued to see that happening in recent months. The command of the Bible to those who have believed is to ‘be baptised’.

Our morning service on Sunday 23rd April will be a Baptism Service, where 4 of the younger members of our congregation, Bryn, Kai, Ilya and Diana will be following that command and going through the waters of baptism. The service will include each of them talking about how they came to know Jesus as their own Saviour. Ilya and Diana have joined us in recent months from Ukraine, along with a number of others who we have been delighted to have join us here at NEC. Parts of the service will therefore be translated into Ukrainian.
We’d love you to join us as we celebrate this special occasion!
NOTE: In baptising Bryn, Kai, Ilya and Diana, we are not ‘making them Christians’. They have already trusted in Jesus Christ for themselves, and this is simply a step they are taking to publicly state that truth before their friends and family.
If you have trusted in Jesus also and think you need to be baptised, why not speak to one of the elders at NEC about taking that step yourself?
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