One of the most exciting parts of church life here at Newtown Evangelical Church is seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ. We’re grateful to God that we’ve continued to see that happening in recent months. The command of the Bible to those who have believed is to ‘be baptised’.
[Read more…]Funeral of Geraint Jones

We give immense thanks and praise to our God for the life of our dear brother, Geraint Jones, who entered the presence of his Saviour, Jesus Christ, on the afternoon of Sunday 13th February 2022.
Geraint was a founding member of the church here in Newtown and the blessings of his ministry and Godly character have been felt across Wales and beyond. Geraint will be greatly missed by many, and will leave a sizeable hole in the church family here.
A warm invitation is extended to all to join us for Geraint’s funeral. The service will be held at our church building next Thursday (24th Feb), at 12noon. Refreshments will follow after the service.
Then there will be the committal service in Aberystwyth at 4pm. Please note that this service will be in Welsh.
If you cannot attend the service in person, the live stream below will be active from 12pm on 24th February:
Please continue to uphold Elisabeth, Sara, Bethan, Rhys, Owain and the whole family in your prayers.
Below is a video of Geraint’s testimony of knowing Jesus in the midst of his cancer. May it be a blessing to your soul.
Thank you, Lord, for your blessing to us and many others through your servant, Geraint.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Hope Explored
What’s the best future you could imagine?

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?
2020 was tough. 2021 wasn’t much easier. What does 2022 hold? Here at Newtown Evangelical Church, we’ve found it such a comfort, even in the most trying of circumstances, to know that there is one who is able to give us true, lasting hope through it all! His name is Jesus, and we’d love to introduce you to Him.
Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. This three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.
The structure of the sessions is simple: we meet together to eat, we watch a 10-15 minute video introducing the subject, then we have a discussion based on the talk in the video.
We will be running the course on the first 3 Thursdays in January, starting at 7pm. Please get in touch if you’d like to join us – we’d love to see you!
Neon Party 2021
After last year’s epic ‘Ne-online Party’, we’re back in the building for our annual NEON PARTY this year! Whoop whoop! As always, it’s the only place to be in Newtown as we celebrate the awesome Light of the World! Book your child’s place now!
[Read more…]Knights of the King! – Holiday Club

We are super excited to be running another awesome Holiday Bible Club this summer: ‘Knights of the King’! The theme is Knights and Castles, so we’re looking forward to seeing plenty of dressing up (leaders and children! :))
The Club will run from the 10th – 14th August, 10:00 – 12:30 each day, and all children in Reception to Year 6 (2020/21) are invited to join us. Keep checking back here or on our Facebook Page for details of the ‘Saturday Special’ where parents will be invited to join in too!
To secure your child’s place, please complete the form below. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or text Sharon on 07572 633136.
Current meeting arrangements
Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, we have sought to adhere to all government guidance, putting all necessary measure in place to keep people safe.
[Read more…]Meeting during Lockdown 3
Our lives continue to be hugely impacted by the spread of COVID-19. Here in Wales, we have been back in a state of ‘lockdown’ since just before Christmas.
We are very grateful to the Welsh Government for allowing places of worship to continue to meet during this latest stage. We believe that the gathering of God’s people to worship him corporately is a significant blessing – technology is great, and meeting ‘remotely’ has been far better than nothing, but nothing can replace the gathering of the church.
We are very keen to make use of the provision granted to us by the government, while also being very conscious of our part to play in the overall effort against the spread of COVID-19. We are also aware that there are an increasing number of people who are, due to their own circumstances, very wisely deciding to stay at home and join us ‘online’.
We have therefore decided the following:
- Our morning services will continue to be held physically in our church building. Booking is required to attend – strict attention is paid to COVID-19 guidelines to ensure the safety of all. These services will continue to be livestreamed on our YouTube page.
- Our evening services on 10th and 17th January will be held ‘online’. They will take place on Zoom and will also be live streamed on YouTube.
- Aside from our regular midweek meeting, all other ministries are suspended at present.
We trust that these arrangements will ensure our services are as accessible as possible to people in a range of situations, while also protecting the precious joy that is ours to gather together safely to worship. We will keep these arrangements under review – the elders will next review the situation on Monday 18th January 2021.
Happy Christmas! – ‘An Eternal Antidote’
A new vaccine has given welcome hope to many this Christmas. The wonderful news about Christmas is that it reveals an even greater hope – an ‘Eternal Antidote’!
May we wish you a very happy Christmas, from all at Newtown Evangelical Church.
‘Fire-Break’ lockdown
As a result of the ‘fire-break’ lockdown announced by the Welsh Government this week, we will not be able to meet together in the building on 25th October, 1st & 8th November, sadly.
During this time, we will continue to meet ‘online’. Services will be broadcast on our youtube channel. Please check our website and social media platforms for updates.
Once we are clear as to the guidance from Welsh Government following the ‘fire-break’, we will communicate our ongoing plans.
What a joy to know that we worship a sovereign God, who is the same yesterday, today and forever! Soli Deo Gloria.
Harvest Sunday
2020 has been some year hasn’t it?! Much of what we took for granted has been shaken. And yet, the crops continue to grow, the sun continues to shine, the rain continues to fall – we have MUCH to be thankful for!
We will be celebrating the harvest this Sunday (27th September) – giving thanks to God, the giver of all good gifts.
We would love YOU to join us! Services are at 10am & 6pm. The morning service will be particularly suitable for families and children.
Due to social distancing measures, it’s necessary to layout the building to ensure safety. If you’d like to join us, please book your place by filling the form below.